Learn to weave with Becky Ashenden, the owner of Vävstuga Weaving School. Her tremendously popular Basics course has been helping weavers of all levels experience the joy of Swedish weaving since 1991.
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Dress Your Loom the Swedish Way
1 video
Dress Your Loom the Swedish Way: An in-depth study of time honored techniques
Becky Ashenden's instructional video from 1998 on how to to dress a loom as she was taught at the legendary Sätergläntan Hemslöjdens Gård craft school in Sweden. This two-hour video is packed with detailed instruction...
Dress Your Swedish Drawloom
1 video
Dress Your Swedish Drawloom with Becky Ashenden: Damask, Opphämta and related techniques
Learn about several different types of drawlooms with this instructional video. It builds on the skills taught in Becky's first video, _Dress your Loom the Swedish Way_. The details of setting up a warp on a...
Weaving on the Julia
1 video
Even if you have never woven before, you can do it now with this new instructional DVD. Becky Ashenden guides you through setting up your loom and weaving a complete project on the Julia, the little red loom from Glimåkra. Many of these techniques will also be helpful to beginning weavers on othe...