Bands Section #1: Rigid heddle

  • BW-02. Rigid heddle #1 – plain weave

    What this project will teach you:
    - Introduction to basic equipment for rigid heddle band weaving
    - Winding a simple warp on chair legs
    - Fixing a mistake in the warp
    - Simple cardboard lease sticks
    - Special threading tool & technique
    - Basic weaving technique
    - How to "un-weave" a mistake
    - Sto...

  • BW-03. Rigid heddle #2 – simple pick-up

    What this project will teach you:
    - Choosing the right band lock size
    - Becky's 1981 classmates in Sweden
    - Detailed look at the threading order in the rigid heddle
    - Pick-up technique for warp with alternating colors

  • BW-04. Rigid heddle #3 – classic pick-up

    What this project will teach you:
    - Detailed look at the threading order in the rigid heddle
    - Adding border threads on either side of the pattern threads
    - How pattern threads are surrounded by ground threads
    - Close-up description of thread structure
    - Threading chart explanation
    - Tips on wind...

  • BW-05. Rigid heddle #4 – 11 pattern ends

    What this project will teach you:
    - Appearance of header in this "Classic" pick-up technique
    - Review of setting up band lock
    - Becky's band analysis from 1981
    - Discussion of project sheet and threading chart
    - Getting started and adjusting the width
    - Row by row demonstration of pick-up
    - Splic...

  • BW-06. Rigid heddle #5 – 25 pattern ends

    What this project will teach you:
    - Using a medium size band lock
    - Tips on keeping the warp tension on a wide heddle
    - View of full width threading chart
    - Row by row demonstration of pick-up
    - Cleaning the shed

  • BW-07. Rigid heddle #6 – pattern slot

    What this project will teach you:
    - Introduction to rigid heddle with pattern slots
    - Detailed look at threading chart
    - How this heddle makes basket weave ground
    - Other tools can weave this same structure
    - Bars are indicative of heddle type
    - How this pattern stays in the "right" shed at the b...

  • BW-08. Rigid heddle #7 – Becky's pattern

    What this project will teach you:
    - The Sami band that inspired this design
    - Detailed look at threading chart
    - This band is reversible
    - 6 pick repeat seen in close-up detail
    - My method for designing this band

  • BW-09. Rigid heddle #8 – Becky's, wide

    What this project will teach you:
    - Meet Becky's teacher Astrid
    - Becky's inspiration in designing this band
    - Explanation of pattern thread path
    - Marking the heddle for easy pick-up
    - Review of turning heddle on a wide band for good tension
    - 6 pick repeat seen in close-up detail
    - View of full...

  • BW-10. Rigid heddle #9 – Sami band

    What this project will teach you:
    - Ground structure in plain weave
    - This band is reversible
    - 6 pick cycle shown in detail
    - Hand picking the "fancy" shed
    - Detailed look at project sheet

  • BW-11. Rigid heddle #10 – experiment

    What this project will teach you:
    - "Simple" pick-up technique applied to double hole heddle
    - Source for my pattern motif
    - Detailed chart for threading the heddle
    - Row by row demonstration of pick-up

  • BW-12. Rigid heddle #11 – designing

    What this project will teach you:
    - Using up yarn ends to make your warp
    - Tensioning the wad for threading
    - Selecting threads to start threading heddle
    - Changing your mind about the threading order
    - Jumping around on the heddle
    - Using other leftovers for bands
    - Untangling the wad for weavin...

  • Bands - Rigid heddle extras

    13 items