Always wanted to join us for a Basics class? Wish you could relive the experience from home anytime? We are thrilled that Vävstuga Basics is now available as a video class! You can sign up here at Vimeo for a monthly or annual subscription. This Forum is where you can post your questions and meet fellow students.
Your subscription includes:
• Vävstuga Basics class = 20 hours of video content + many handouts and extras
• Dress Your Loom the Swedish Way DVD content
• Dress Your Swedish Drawloom DVD content
• Access to this member Forum
• Access to further classes as we add them
Vävstuga Basics contents:
• Introduction
• Project #1: Tablecloths
• Project #2: Towels
• Project #3: Blankets
• Project #4: Block damask
• Finishing
• Extras -- handouts, detailed tables of contents and indexes
Indexes and Tables of Contents galore!
Marjorie Clay has created a wonderfully detailed set of reference materials. Find these in the playlists of "Extras." Each numbered chapter of our Basics video class has a corresponding Table of Contents document, noting the timestamp for each topic. There's also a set of useful indexes that covers the entire course—including an index of the books and equipment in the Vävstuga Store that are mentioned in the videos, and a compilation of the Weaving Pearls presented throughout.