BW-19. Floor loom #1 – technique
What this project will teach you:
- Beaming the warp wider on the warp beam
- Border pick-up pattern in addition to center pattern, plain weave border
- Details of threading heddles one section at a time
- Discussion of pattern thread groups, with charts
- Comparison of threading to rigid heddle
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BW-20. Floor loom #2 – Estonian band
What this project will teach you:
- Simple 6 shaft counterbalance tie-up with pulleys & rubber bands
- Detailed look at threading as it relates to the woven band
- Weaving with beater removed from the loom
- Weaving technique with band knife
- Close-up view of footwork
- Tips on advancing the war... -
BW-21. Floor loom #3 – plain weave band
What this project will teach you:
- Simple counterbalance tie-up
- Empty heddles at the edges of the shafts
- Rubber bands to level sheds
- 8 ends per dent (except for the selvedges)
- Taking advantage of a tiny shuttle
- Special way to splice the"fancy" way
- Opening a dense shed with the shuttl... -
BW-22. Floor loom #4 – Latvian band
What this project will teach you:
- Review of heddles and rubber bands at edges of shafts
- Detailed look at threading with chart
- Un-heddled warp threads
- Weaving pick-up pattern row by row using a chart and pick-up stick
- Picking the un-heddled border
- Tip for remembering pattern row
- Revi... -
BW-23. Floor loom #5 – Skåne band
What this project will teach you:
- 2 sheds, blue wool & white cotton
- My source for this pattern
- Detailed look at the threading with charts
- Pattern made up of groups of 3 warp ends
- Detailed look at treadling order
- Making a clean start to the band
- Plain weave heading
- Weaving techniqu... -
BW-24. Floor loom #6 – Sami band
What this project will teach you:
- Also can be done on Vävstuga bandloom
- My source for this pattern
- This band can be woven quickly
- Explanation of project sheet
- Description of winding warp at the warping mill
- Taking note of the left and right side of the warp, so the chart lines up
- Re...